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About Ardahan

Ardahan is located on the northeast of Turkey and it is neighbor with Georgia on its north and northwest, with Arvin on its west, with Erzurum with its southtwest, with Kars on its south and Armenia on its east. It consists of 6 districts (City Center, Çıldır, Damal, Döle, Hanak and Posof) one of which is administrative city center and 1 sub-district (Köprülü) and 227 villages.

Population Structure and Labor Force

The population of Ardahan consists of 98.907 people according to 2018 ADNKS and urbanization rate is 40%. The population of city center consists of 22.169 people. The biggest district of Ardahan is Göle (5.969 people). 21,4% of the province population are 15 years old while 46,5% of the population are younger than 30 years. The population within the working age (15-64) consists of 63.467 people and they correspond to the 66% of the population.

Ardahan’s Population Distribution (2018 ADNKS)


City Center

